일시: 2021/12/10(금) 오후 1시
장소: 온라인 ZOOM 진행
시간 | 내용 | 비고 |
13:00 ~ 13:10 | 등록 | |
13:10 ~ 13:20 | 축사 | 김종재 원장 (아산생명과학연구원) |
13:20 ~ 14:00 | Engineering preclinical and clinical tissue specimens for large-scale molecular phenotyping | 구태윤 교수 (KAIST) |
14:00 ~ 14:40 | Heterogeneity of T-cell exhaustion and activation of tumor-infiltrating CD8+ T Cells in human cancer | 김형돈 교수 (AMC) |
14:40 ~ 15:20 | Single-cell approach to understand our development and aging process | 박종은 교수 (KAIST) |
15:20 ~ 15:30 | Break | |
15:30 ~ 16:10 | Open or close the window: how blood vessels maintain organ homeostasis | 이준엽 교수 (AMC) |
16:10 ~ 16:50 | How stem cells juggle lineage choice: Epigenetic mechanisms of tissue regeneration of adult hair follicle stem cell | 양한슬 교수 (KAIST) |
16:50 ~ 17:30 | Antisense oligonucleotide therapy for rare genetic diseases | 김진국 교수 (KAIST) |
17:30 ~ 17:40 | 맺음말 | 조유숙 소장 (아산의생명연구소) |