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Lee, Dong Yun

Clinical Assistant Professor

Department of Nuclear Medicine

Laboratory of Molecular Theranostics & Bio-conjugation

Laboratory of Molecular Theranostics & Bio-conjugation은 유기분자, 생분자 등의 저분자 화합물에서부터 단백질, 중합체 등의 고분자 화합물에 이르기까지 임상 적용이 가능한 생체적합 물질들을 매개로 간단한 유기화학 및 생접합 (bio-conjugation) 반응을 통하여 In vitro 및 In vivo에서 적용 가능한 화학과 생물학의 융합 연구를 중점적으로 수행하고 있습니다.

 이를 바탕으로 하여 암 이나 급/만성 염증 등의 난치성 질환에서 다양한 분자 영상 기반의 접근과 효율적인 약물 전달 시스템 개발을 하고 ‘one-shot’으로 진단 및 치료가 가능한 플랫폼을 구축하여 지속성 있고 상용화 가능한 중개 연구 (translational medicine)를 추구합니다.

앵커 1(이동윤)

​대표 논문

- DY  LEE, JY Kim, Y Lee, S Lee, W Miao, HS Kim, JJ Min, S Jon. “Black pigment gallstone-inspired

platinum-chelated bilirubin nanoparticles for combined photoacoustic imaging and photothermal therapy of cancers”, Angew Chem Int Ed (2017) 56: 13684-13688.

- DY  LEE, JY Kim, Y Lee, S Lee, W Miao, HS Kim, JJ Min, S Jon. “PEGylated Bilirubin-coated Iron

Oxide Nanoparticles as a Biosensor for Magnetic Relaxation Switching-based ROS Detection in Whole Blood”, Theranostics (2020) 10: 1997-2007.

- DY  LEE, M Oh, SJ Kim, J S. Oh, SJ Chung, JS Kim, “Bilirubin-related Differential Striatal [18F]FP-CIT Uptake in Parkinson’s Disease”, Clin Nucl Med (2019) 44: 855-859.

- DY  LEE, YI Kim, “Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy in Patients with Differentiated Thyroid

Cancer: A Meta-analysis”, Clin Nucl Med (2020) 44: 604-610

- DY  LEE, SH Lee, B Kim, W Kim, PW Yoon, SJ Lee, SJ Oh, J Koh, J Ryu, “Usefulness of 68Ga-DOTATOC PET/CT to localize the culprit tumor inducing osteomalacia”, Scientific Reports (2021) 11: 1819.



- C Choi, T Ku, DY Lee. “Tissue energy supply capacity and metabolic rate measurement method and device using molecular kinetic analysis of glucose analogue”, Korea Patent 10-1741570.

- S Jon, DY Lee, D Yu, W Jung, Y Lee. “Particles Comprising Bilirubin Derivatives And Metals”, Korea Patent 10-2292960 & PCT/KR2018/005515

- S Jon, DY Lee, Y Lee, JY Kim. “Bilirubin Derivative-Based Diagnostic and Therapeutic Ultrasound Contrast Agent”, Korea Patent 10-2056948 & PCT/KR2019/001443


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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Tel. 02-3010-2890 

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